
Supervision :

As a contractor, Booban is responsible for supervision over workers and technicians, and guiding them to complete work efficiently and effectively, and recruit people with skills and experiences necessary for the implementation of works according to the latest methods and techniques following a timetable and a completion sequence system.

Booban is also committed to the appointment of a technical team in the disciplines and numbers as required by the business.

Labor Force :

Booban provides the adequate and appropriate number of qualified persons with the needed specialties for the implementation of works in accordance with the labor and social security regulations, as well as work, wages, insurance and other regulations.

Equipment and Materials :

Booban provides all equipment, materials, labor, transport and construction machinery,equipment, gear, fuel, energy, lighting, heating, telephone, water and sanitation facilities, temporary installations, and all other things necessary for the carrying out of works or tests and all that is required for the completion of works.

Time Factor :

Given the importance of time factor and its impact on the success of business,   Booban has always been committed to a timetable that indicates approximate dates for start and end of the different working stages.